By using any of the images found on this site, you are subject to my terms whether you have read them or not, so please take the time to read through them!
- Do not claim any of my dolls as your own.
- Do not edit, recolor, resize or "frankendoll" my dolls.
- Do not link directly to my dolls. It's called a bandwidth theft and it's illegal.
- You may adopt my any of my dolls except the ones marked "not for adoption". This includes everything in my "Gifts" section, as well as everything that I have adopted from other sites. Other dolls and/or graphics not for adoption will be marked accordingly throughout my site.
- If you adopt any of my dolls, provide a link to my website on the same page where the doll is posted. - http://loopy.theworldofpurple.net
- A link to my site is mandatory when using my base(s). - http://loopy.theworldofpurple.net
- Do not claim any of my bases as your own and No frakendolling my bases.
- Pose, face, and skintone edits are welcome. (If you do make any edits, please share them with me!)
- While edits are fine, please remember that it is still my base, and should be credited accordingly.
- No credit is required if you use any of my patterns. All I ask is that you keep me in mind if someone happens to ask where you got the pattern from.
- You may resize, alter, invert, etc. any pattern to meet your specific needs.
- Do not try to claim my patterns as your own, even if you do alter them, unless they are altered significantly.
- Patterns are not limited to use on dolls. They may be used on any type of graphic work.
- All my blinkies are adoptable. No link is required, but it would be appreciated.
- Do not adopt any blinkie from this site if it was not created by me.
- These are not adoptable without my permission. E-mail me and ask me nicely if you are wanting anything found in this section.
These are my terms. If you cannot comply to them, I suggest you leave now.